I can look back on my childhood and smile. I had the greatest Mum and Dad, I always got the latest toys, had the nicest clothes and above all else had all the love imaginable from my very hard working parents, I loved them, they were my whole world.
When I look back at my teen years however a different story emerges, I still got everything I could possibly want. I was showered with their love and encouragement, but they where no longer the center of my universe. I still loved them don't get me wrong, but as soon as the clock struck midnight on my 13th birthday something happened - I became a moody, self obsessed teenager, Mum and Dad where out of the picture.
I never gave any of this a thought, until I become a Yummy Mummy to my darling daughter, and them it struck me - one day this precious little angel will become a hormone, acne riddled teenager, who will slam doors and tell me that she hates me!
So it is now that I would like to take this opportunity to thank my wonderful Mum and Dad for EVERYHTHING they have done for me, I love them more than they will ever know and I am sorry for all the heart ache I have ever caused them.
I have a new found respect for them, especially my Mum who I can now relate to on a Yummy Mummy level. I don't know how I would have coped these last few months without her. She has been through a very traumatic few years and her battle is still not won, but I want her to know that her beloved granddaughter and I will be here for her every step of the way, cause we love her.
Without her vast knowledge, many valuable lessons and most importantly her unconditional love I would not be the Yummy Mummy I am today.
Thank's Mum I love you. xxx